
Here we explore our thinking behind the Holy Way and the Heart of Love.

Linda Crowhurst (7)

What does it mean “to be saved ?”

To be saved is to be found in the deepest, most hidden parts of yourself. It is to be loved, purely, simply and totally for who you are : all of you, no matter how tiny you feel, how small, how wounded, how hurt,…

Stop, look up!

Without God my life is barren, extreme, bleak and horrendous. I cannot exist without the truth of God, the energy of love, the brightness of hope to shine in the cracks between moments of tormented agony. For me hope is a fundamental aspect of living.

A Path Where Forgiveness Must Be Central

I lead a secret, hidden life, crushed by indescribable, never-ending pain, weakened by interminable repeated paralysis, trapped away from the living by profound noise sensitivity that brutalises me. Into this invisible life comes the need to forgive on multiple levels, both internal and external. This is…

We Hold Onto Love At The Centre

All is stripped away from us by the circumstances and experience of severe illness . The pain of the Cross is very real. The sacrifice of the one who loves is immense, the carer who loves and stays despite the pain and torment he both…

An Epiphany Of Pain

THE DICTIONARY DESCRIBES an Epiphany as a revelation or a sudden moment of realisation: When you suddenly are thrown seemingly headfirst into an unexpected and unbidden underworld of indescribable burning, violating, throbbing, itching, screaming pain, that encompasses every millimetre of your body, inside and out,…

The Heart of Love, no greater place for healing.

I have suffered intense untreatable severe pain and paralysis for over a quarter of a century. And am profoundly noise sensitive such that any noise will paralyse me and cause indescribable pain and terrible sensations. It also totally blanks my mind so that I do…

Our Greatest Learning

Our greatest learning perhaps has been this : When you come to a point in your life of unutterable suffering, where there is no apparent way out, there God calls to you that He is here and He is with you. All you have to…