I am an Artist
My first Pennypaws animation
I long to be special to someone.
I long for my own precious name tag
That says I am home
And loved.
Please remember me.
(Poem to Buddy)
I am an artist, but my disability makes expression incredibly difficult to impossible. My days are filled with total and partial paralysis. When a moment of clarity and ability present themselves, I have to grab the moment before it is lost.
There is something lovely when a dog looks at you and you look at a dog and you see each other. I have not met these dogs in person but feel there is so much to be discovered when you look in their eyes and see their beauty, even in a photo. It is a joy to me to try and express this through pastel.
I cannot say how delighted I am to have my pastels featured on the PennyPaws website. The dogs are so beautiful and in need of love. A real honour to be able to draw them and hopefully help raise awareness of their plight.
Art in Suffering
This is an account of my journey as an artist, through thirty years of severe pain, chronic illness and profound disability.
I have developed a real love for working on black paper and have developed my own way of outlining the subject in white pastel, then colouring it in in blocks of different shape and size, bringing the image to life. I feel the black paper gives greater depth to the work and much prefer it to lighter coloured paper.